A method for simultaneous estimation of Atorvastatin Calcium (AVS) and Amlodipine Besilate (AML) in combined tablet dosage form has been developed. The method employs the application of multicomponent mode of analysis. This method utilize Phosphate buffer (pH6.8). AVS show maximum absorbance at a wavelength of 240 nm and AML at 369 nm. The method is fast,economical and very cheap as compared to other simultaneous spectrophotometric method using multi-component mode of analysis for estimation of Atorvastatin Calcium and Amlodipine Besilate due to using phosphate buffer instead of costly solvent.Where the linearity ranges for AVS and AML were 5-25µg/ml and 10-50 µg/ml respectively. The procedure was successfully applied for the simultaneous determination of both drugs in laboratory prepared mixture and in market available tablet dosage form. The accuracy of the method was assessed by recovery studies and was found to be 99.41±0.83 and 98.65±0.54 for AVS and AML respectively. Results of the analysis were validated statistically so that it can be used for routine analysis of AVS and AML in combined tablet dosage form.
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