To determine the prevalence of pulmonary dysfunction among persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) using spirometry, and to determine the relationship between pulmonary dysfunction and duration of diabetes, glycaemic control (HbA1c), BMI, age, gender, ethnicity and associated systemic dysfunctions. Data was obtained from 93 persons with type 2 diabetes from various clinics in Trinidad via face to face spirometric testing and also by gathering data from their personal medical files. Variables measured include FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, and FEF 25-75. The durations of diabetes of the 93 patients ranged from 0.4 years to 35 years. The majority of patients indicated diabetes duration within the ranges of 0-5 years and 5-10 years, and 3 had duration of 25 years or more. There were no significant differences between the means of the spirometry ratios (FEV1/FVC, FEV1, FVC, and FEF 25-75) for the five year interval ranges of diabetes duration. Approximately 60% (56) of the patients had normal pulmonary function and 40% (37) of the patients had pulmonary dysfunction. The majority of patients were found to have restrictive pulmonary dysfunction, and only 2% presented with obstruction. Within the BMI classes, 5% of the patients were underweight, 36% were normal, 33% were overweight and 26% were obese. There was a significant difference between the means of underweight and overweight patients for FEV1/FVC ratios at alpha level (p<0.05). The mean difference between underweight and overweight FEV1/FVC ratios was 11.20 with a standard error of 3.4634. At alpha level (p<0.05) there was no significant correlation between the spirometry variables and the duration of Diabetes or the BMI of the sample. Under one-half of persons with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus display a restrictive spirometric profile and there are significant differences in FEV1/FVC ratios among underweight and overweight persons.
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