Transport of the drug through skin is best route of drug delivery because of the skin is largest organ human organ with total weight 3 kg and a surface of 1.5 -2.0 m2. Drug carries used in transdermal drug delivery such as liposomes, noisomes, or microemulsions has problem that they remains mostly confined to the skin surface and therefore do not transport drugs efficiently through the skin. By using the concept of rational membrane design we have recently devised special composite bodies, so-called Transfersomes. Transfersomes penetrate through the pores of stratum corneum which are smaller than its size and get into the underlying viable skin in intact form. This is because of its deformable nature. The system can be characterized by in vitro for vesicle shape and size, entrapment efficiency, degree of deformability, number of vesicles per cubic mm. They can act as a carrier for low as well as high molecular weight drugs e.g. analgesic, anesthetic, corticosteroids, sex hormone, anticancer, insulin, gap junction protein, and albumin.
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