Ethosomes are noninvasive delivery carriers that enable drugs to reach the deep skin layers and the systemic circulation. Although ethosomal systems are conceptually sophisticated, they are simple in their preparation, safe for use a combination that can highly expand their application. Ethosomes are soft, malleable vesicles tailored for enhanced delivery of active agents. Because of their unique structure, ethosomes are able to encapsulate and deliver through the skin highly lipophilic molecules such as cannabinoids, testosterone, and minoxidil, as well as cationic drugs such as propranolol, trihexaphenidyl, Cyclosporine, insulin, salbutamol etc. Enhanced delivery of bioactive molecules through the skin and cellular membranes by means of an ethosomal carrier opens numerous challenges and opportunities for the research and future development of novel improved therapies. Ethosomes are gaining popularity in designing drug delivery systems for topical and transdermal use for their capability to reach deep skin layers and systemic circulation. Although ethosomes are conceptually sophisticated, they are simple in preparation and safe for use. Although with their high efficiency, the ethosomes show potential for expansion of their applications. The aim of the review to make a comprehensive account on properties and preparation of ethosomes followed by the characterization and the list of drugs encapsulated in ethosomes in last 15 years.
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