Curculigo orchioides Gaertn is an endangered rasayana herb which is important ingredient of many Ayurvedic preparations. The present study was formulated to access the genetic diversity within each population, among the populations and also in micro propagated plantlets of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn using random amplification amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker. Plants were collected from four different provenances of Tamil Nadu, India, and ten from in vitro produced plantlets. Out of the 10 RAPD primers, 6 were scored number of bands, among them Primer 1 generated 43 bands and same time primer 9 was generated 2 bands only. The band ranged from 150 to 3,000 bp in size. Number of polymorphic bands were observed when used primer 2 and 4. The monomorphic bands were highly observed when used primer 6. The number of bands in the selected primers varied from 3 to 8 bands. Genetic stability was determined based on the bands appearance and they showed identical to mother plant. RAPD profiles and dendrogram analysis based on the Jaccard’s similarity coefficient revealed 100 % genetic similarity. Our results reveal very low level of genetic diversity in the species. These results also indicate that RAPD is a good molecular marker to study the genetic diversity of these species.
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