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burnout, socio-economic status.

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Avazpour, M. ., Kharazmi, E. ., Ansari, H. ., & Rahimi, M. K. . (2016). STUDYING BURNOUT AND ITS RELATION WITH SOCIO- ECONOMIC CLASS OF GACHSARAN CITY HEALTHCARE SYSTEM STAFF IN 2014. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 5(5), 2326-2334. Retrieved from


Background and objective: Burnout is a general health problem which is created in answer to uncontrolled job tension and as a result job stresses. Burnout leaves undesirable consequences on the individual and organization and leads to reducing effectiveness and quality of services presentation. The present study was conducted with the aim of determining burnout and its relation with socio- economic class of Gachsaran city healthcare system staff in 2014.

Research method: the present applied study was performed in cross-sectional from. By multistage stratified sampling method and using relationship estimation formula in limited society, 268 persons from total personnel working in Gachsaran healthcare service were selected and entered the study. Data collecting tools were two scholar-made checklists ( including demographic specifications and socio- economic status and a Maslach burnout questionnaire . for data analysis, SPSS  22 software was used. mean, standard deviation, median, percent and number were used for providing descriptive statistics and in order to provide analytical statistics ,independent t-test, Qui-square , variance analysis and regression model were used. significance level in all analyses was considered less than 0.05.

Findings: In this study, total score average was burnout frequency 51.7 and burnout intensity 60.9. Socio- economic status of 47.4% of studied people was intermediate. A significant relation was found between socio-economic status, age, job background, number of children and mass body index with emotional weariness frequency , between mass body index and number of children with emotional weariness intensity , between age , job background, education status, number of children and mass body index with depersonalization frequency, between age, job background , number of children with depersonalization intensity, gender with individual failure intensity and mass body index with individual failure frequency (p<0.05).

Conclusion: According to the present study and regarding stressful nature of healthcare job, special attention of managers and also healthcare authorities to burnout factor and its rate and also providing and implementing some approaches for preventing from its creation or at least reduction of effects and harms due to it is necessary.

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