Snuffles disease is a major infectious disease process in rabbits caused by Pasteurella multocida. The importance of the lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and outer membrane protein (OMP) in the Immunization and pathogenesis of the disease. This study aimed to identify all the pathological findings in rabbits immunized with LPS and OMP. For this reason a local strain of Pasteurella multocida were used and their LPS and OMP were extracted and purified and used for immunization of rabbits. Following immunization and inoculation of a challenge dose of the Pasteurella multocida, the bacterial Isolation were mild to moderate at 4th , 8th day and mild at 16th day post inoculation compared to heavy bacterial isolates in the control non immunized group. Also more localized and granulomatous lesion were seen in immunized groups compared to extensive and diffuse septicemic lesions in non immunized control group.
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