Peer Review, UGC Care
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Buccal delivery, permeation enhancers, Mucoadhesive, chitosan, Bioadhesive strength.

How to Cite

khan, S. ., Parvez, N. ., Sharma, P. K. ., Alam, M. A. ., & Warsi, M. H. . (2016). NOVEL APROACHES - MUCOADHESIVE BUCCAL DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 5(4), 2201-2208. Retrieved from


Among novel drug delivery systems, Buccal mucoadhesive systems have attracted great attention in recent years due to their ability to adhere and remain on the oral mucosa and to release their drug content gradually. Mucoadhesion may be defined as the process where polymers attach to biological substrate or a synthetic or natural macromolecule, to mucus or an epithelial surface. Buccal mucoadhesive films can improve the therapeutic effect of drug by increasing the absorption of drug through oral mucosa which increases the drug bioavailability by reducing the hepatic first pass effect. Natural polymers have recently gained importance in pharmaceutical field. Mucoadhesive polymers are used to improve drug delivery by increasing the dosage form’s contact time and residence time  with the mucous membranes. This review article deals with the novel approaches use in the buccal drug delivery systems.

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