The present study was carried out to evaluate the cytogentic effect of both aqueous (AE) and ethanolic (EE) extracts of Artemisia herba alba on on several cytogenetic parameters such as mitotic index, blast index, sister chromatid exchange/cell, cell cycle progression and replicative index after culturing of peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. The results of in vivo study indicate high effectiveness of AE in reducing the tumor volume in a dose- and time-dependant manner. The best effective dose was 0.5 g/kg when administered intraperitoneally or orally. The comparison of relative tumor volumes of different groups revealed high significant differences between all treated groups and those of untreated (control) groups. Coincidently, the histopathological changes in treated and untreated tumor masses showed that necrosis and fibrosis were the predominant features occurring with the advanced time of treatment proportional to the reduction in tumor volume. In advanced time of treatment, there were only few islands of tumor tissue sequestered by massive mature fibrous tissue. The results of cytogenetic study showed good antiproliferative, antimutagenic effects of AE and EE. The results showed significant decrease of mitosis and blast cells formation in AE and EE-treated groups proportional to the concentration. There was a high significant decrease in the average of sister chromatid exchange/cell particularly after treatment of lymphocytes with high concentrations of both extracts. The results of cell cycle progression and replicative index supported the other cytogenetic results, that indicating the lowering effect of both extracts on both parameters. In conclusion, both extract aqueous (AE) and ethanolic (EE) of Artemisia herba alba showed antimitotic and antimutagenic effect on human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro.
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