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Cotylophoron cotylophorum, Fumarate reductase (FR), Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), Areca catechu.

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Dhanraj , K. M. ., & L. Veerakumari. (2016). EFFECT OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF ARECA CATECHU ON FUMARATE REDUCTASE AND SUCCINATE DEHYDROGENASE OF COTYLOPHORON COTYLOPHORUM. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 5(3), 2117-2123. Retrieved from


Parasitic helminths represent one of the most pervasive challenges to livestock. Paramphistomosis commonly affects cattle and sheep, and is caused by various species of the paramphistomidae. Anthelmintic drugs are used to treat helminth infections. The high incidence of resistance of helminth parasites to anthelmintic drugs in addition to the relative toxicity and side effects of many of these drugs urge the necessity of finding alternative safe and eco friendly agents against helminths. This applies to plant-based anthelmintics that have been used to destroy and expell the parasite from gastrointestinal tract. The parasites depend for their energy almost entirely on carbohydrate metabolism. The pathway of carbohydrate metabolism is essentially anaerobic and involves the glycolytic and part of the reversed tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Fumarate reductase (FR) and Succianate dehydrogenase (SDH), the enzymes of TCA cycle catalyses the reduction of fumarate to succinate and oxidation of succinate to fumarate. Reduction of fumarate to succinate complex results in ATP synthesis. Hence the efficacy of ethanol extract of Areca catechu (AcEE) was assessed based on its effect on FR and SDH against Cotylophoron cotylophorum. The parasites were incubated in five different sub-lethal concentrations of AcEE for 2h, 4h and 8h. FR and SDH activity was assessed using standard procedures. The enzyme activity was expressed in terms of protein. The data obtained were analyzed statistically. Maximum level of inhibition in FR and SDH activities were observed after 8h of incubation in AcEE. Inhibition of FR and SDH activity was dose and time dependent. Inhibition of FR and SDH interferes with the terminal electron acceptor and prevents succinate formation thereby curtailing the ATP synthesis. Decreased production of ATP results in the death of the parasites. Areca catechu as a potential inhibitor of FR and SDH activity of C. cotylophorum suggests the possible application of this plant extract to combat paramphistome infection in livestock.

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