Fibromyalgia syndrome(FMS) is chronic state characterized by generalized pain associated with fatigue, stiffness, altered sleep, depression, anxiety and cognitive dysfunction. It is the most common condition in women worldwide and causes pain all over the body . The exact cause of FMS is still unknown but several theories thought to be linked to abnormal levels of certain chemicals in brain ,vitamin D deficiency and oxidative stress . Obesity has been consistently associated with increased risk of FMS. Eighty nine subjects between (20-55)years ; (59) patients with FMS were divided in to : (39) obese women with FMS and (20) non obese women with FMS . In addition to two controls group ;(20) obese control and (10) apparently healthy control, age and sex matched subjects as controls. Five millilitres of venous blood sample were drawn from each women ,centrifuged to obtain serum to be used for measuring the following variables :25(OH)vitamin D, total calcium and myeloperoxidase. 25(OH)vitamin D and total calcium were significantly lower, while myeloperoxidase was significantly higher in FMS with obesity and non-obesity . Body mass index (BMI) is significantly higher in FMS with obesity and non-significant in FMS with non-obesity. A low 25(OH) vitamin D level was positively associated with low total calcium level in FMS with obesity and non-obesity . A high myeloperoxidase was associated with low levels of 25(OH) vitamin D and total calcium in FMS with obesity . The Lower serum levels of 25(OH)vitamin D , serum total calcium and higher serum myeloperoxidase and higher BMI are associated with FMS with obesity.
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