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Alopecia areata, HLA, genetic

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Abdullah, G. A. ., Y.Abbas, M. ., Mahdi, B. M., Raouf, H. ., Zalzala, H. H. ., Abid, aheeb A., & Nehad, Z. . (2015). EFFECT OF HLADRB1 ON DEVELOPMENT OF ALOPECIA AREATA. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 5(1), 1910-1914. Retrieved from


Background: Alopecia areata (AA) is among the most highly prevalent human organ specific autoimmune diseases, also known spot baldness. The genetic basis of AA is largely unknown and the role of any potential environmental contributors is also unclear. Evidence supporting a genetic basis for AA depends on the heritability in first-degree relatives.

Aim of the study: confirm the genetic burden of HLA*DRB1 in the development of AA formation in Iraqi Arab Muslims patients

Patients and methods: A case control comparative study included forty unrelated Iraqi Arab Muslims patients with AA (30 women and 10 men) aged 6-45 years (mean age 35) were included in this study. The control group was comprised of 30 healthy unrelated sex and age matched volunteers. Genomic DNA was extracted. Amplification and Hybridization was performed using a panel of sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes (SSOP) using HLA-DRB1 amplification and hybridization kits (SSO HLA type DRB1 plus and Mastermix for HLA type DRB1 Amp plus kits -Innogenetics-Belgium) using automated method by AutoLipa – 48 Innogenetics-Belgum.

Results: There was an increased frequency of HLA-DRB1*11:01:01 in patients with AA compared with healthy controls (p P< 0.026, odd ratio=3.285, 95% CI: 1.151 – 9.378). The other allele HLADRB1* 16:01:01 was also increased in AA patients and not detected in control group. The other DRB1 allele groups that have been tested (*03,*014) failed to achieve statistical significance.

Conclusions: There is a significant association between AA and HLADRB1*11:01 in Iraqi Arab Muslims patients.

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