his study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of haemoprotozoa among Anas platyrhynchos in Baghdad city/Iraq. A total of 60 mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) of both sexes (males and females) with body weight ranges from (1-1.6kg) purchased from local markets of Baghdad city were divided into 4 groups (15birds in each month) during a period from 1- December2014 to 31- March 2015. Two types of protozoa were detected: Plasmodium relictum and Leucocytozoon simondi. The prevalence of the mentioned types was 46.66% (28/60) and 16.66% (10/60) respectively.
Results revealed that there was no significant difference among infection rates due to month and sex of bird. The infection rate of Plasmodium relictum ranged from 33.33% in January to 66.66% in March. On the other hand, the infection rate of Leucocytozoon simondi ranged from 6.66% in December to (33.33%) in March.
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