The development of science and technology has provided us with a whole new array of electrical and electronic products, rendering them affordable, revolutionizing the world with widely used cheaper electronic products, but also resulted in accelerated obsolescence rate of these products leading to increasing quantum of E-waste also referred to as WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). India is the fifth biggest producer of e-waste in the world. Despite being a signatory to the Basel Convention, India still presents a gloomy picture.
There is a need of collaborative efforts to overcome the growing problem of e-waste. A joint effort of the government, the industries and the citizens is the need of the hour. We must opt for products with fewer toxic content, using energy efficient products, never disposing e-waste with garbage or household waste, using Take-back options.
Baldé CP, Wang F, Kuehr R, Huisman J. The global e-waste monitor – 2014. United Nations University. IAS – SCYCLE. Bonn, Germany. 2014: 51-9.
E-waste in India. Research Unit. Rajya Sabha Secretariat. New Delhi. June 2011.
Secretariat to the Basel Convention. Basel Convention- An overview. [Internet] (Accessed Sep 5 2014) Available from:www.basel.int/TheConvention/Overview/tabid/1271/Default.aspx
International Labour Organisation. Tackling the informalities in e-waste management- the potential of cooperative enterprises. Sectoral Activities Department. Geneva. 2014:21-5.
Implementation of E-waste Rules 2011 Guidelines. Ministry of Environment and Forest. Government of India. 2011: 24-30.
United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies on sustainability. StEP Initiative. United Nations University Office of Communication. 2014:43-5. Tokyo, Japan.

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