Food pattern is one of factors influencing on incidence of chronic diseases such as colon cancer, hypertension, and vascular diseases. World health organization states that increase of obesity throughout the world threats health of many people and the growing trend of obesity is seen in developing and developed countries. Therefore, concerning importance of women’s health, the present study aims to determine the effect of consumption of different foods on BMI of overweight women. This is a sectional study based on observation and interview taken via the researcher and completion of the questionnaire and it was conducted on 70 women aged over 18 years with BMI higher than 25 who referred to health clinics of Lamard city. Concerning obtained information, there is a significant and direct relationship between consumption of bread, cereals, fat and MBI of women (RR= + 0.334, p= 0.005 and RR= 0.277, p= 0.20 respectively) and there was a reverse and significant relationship between milk, its products, vegetables and BMI of women (RR= - 0.314, p= 0.008 and RR= - 0.240, p= 0.046 respectively) but no significant relationship was obtained between fruits, free sugars, grains, meats and BMI. Concerning results of the present study and considering that obesity can have anti-socio-psychological effects in addition to non-optimal effects on physical health, correct education of food pattern and coping with unsafe foods in the society should be one of macro goals of socio-economical development planning.
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