The knowledge about the Teratogenic drugs is crucial while prescribing medications to the pregnant women. Treating epileptic pregnant women is always challenge as most of antiepileptic drugs are potent teratogens and the increase of seizures and alterations in drug clearance further complicates the medication advice to pregnant women with seizure disorder. The present experimental study used fresh fertilized white leg horn chicken eggs to know the effects of carbamazepine and phenytoin administration during critical period of organogenesis i.e. on 5th day of incubation. Control eggs were injected distilled water and the study group were injected by various doses of drug concentration in distilled water. Chick embryos were collected on 19th day of incubation, first gross malformation were observed and recorded. Liver tissue has been collected from chick embryos for histological study. High mortality rate observed in chick embryos treated with higher dose of drug concentration. Hepatic damage, loss of normal architecture of liver, vacuolations, dilated central vein, inflammatory infiltration with significant portal inflammation observed. The mortality rate with more number of gross malformations recorded in phenytoin administered group than carbamazepine.
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