The Indian major carp, the Cyprinus carpio, is an important commercial fish in India. Most of the Indian farmers are culturing Cyprinus carpio in the farm. C. carpio culturing in the farm are more susceptible to diseases. Hence the present investigation was focused on disease on C. carpio. Natural immuno-stimulants are biocompatible, biodegradable, cost effective and safe for the environment and eco-friendly. There has been growing importance in the immune-stimulating functions of plants in aquaculture. Fish were divided into four groups being fed for 45 days with 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9gm with add-on commercial diet as the control. After the Groups fed with copepods mediate treated with Cyprinus carpio using by different concentration at 0.3gm, 0.6gm and 0.9gm when compare to the high dose, were differential leukocyte counts in C. carpio Neutrophils,Lymphocytes, Monocyctes, Esnophils and basnophils analysis was showed a highly significant difference compared to controls . The effect of turmeric Curcuma longa on Cyprinus carpio was studied.
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