The research work is related to an improved process of isolation & characterization of Vasicine from Adhatodha Vasica (Sanskrit: Adusa). Adhatodha vasica, commonly known as Arusa, is a valued herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Roots, leaves and preparations of the plant are traditionally used as tonic, antiasthmatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic. A. vasica mainly contains Vasicine alkaoids including Vasicine which are specific to the Acantheceae family. Vasicinosides are biologically active secondary metabolites present in roots and leaves of A. vasica. In the present study, we have standardized the protocol for the isolation of Vasicine from the Adhatodha vasica punchang. Vasicine possess anti-inflammatory and anti-stress properties. This study contains newer and conventional method of isolation of Vasicine from Adhatodha vasaka as well Quantitative and qualitative techniques involved in purification of compound was followed throughout this research work. In this study, we have taken different trials based on hydro-alcoholic solvent composition. Based on different solvent extraction process pure 95% Vasicine was successfully isolated.
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