OBJECTIVES: The present study was planned to evaluate the antioxidant effects of standardized Beta vulgaris L. or beetroot.
METHODS: The polyphenols present in lyophilized water extract of beetroot (BR) were quantified and standardized by HPLC. Deactivation of free radicals by BR was studied by in vitrobiochemical assays including 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydrogen peroxide and superoxide radical scavenging activities. Nitrite content of BR was estimated. Moreover, inhibition of protein denaturation properties of BR was carried out.
RESULTS: HPLC chromatogram revealed presence of nine bioactive polyphenols in BR. Further, strong dose-dependent antioxidant properties were noted. IC50 (Inhibitory Concentration) of BR for DPPH, hydrogen peroxide and superoxide radical were 104.44µg/ml, 4.06µg/ml and 71.43µg/ml respectively. BR also showed enriched in nitrite content 3.359 mM/mg and it inhibited protein denaturation (IC50 594µg/ml).
CONCLUSION: Beetroot was found to possess strong antioxidant property that may be due to presence of polyphenols.
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