The objective of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Cassia fistula, Ficusreligiosa, Milletiapinnataand Wendlandiathyrsoideaand to check the synergistic efficacy of these extracts when combined. The individual extracts and their combinations were evaluated against E coli (MTCC-1698), S aureus (MTCC-1143)and P aeruginosa (MTCC-2453) by agar diffusion method. The percentage growth inhibition of the combined extracts was determined by ditch plate method. The most active extract combinations were formulated as cream and gel including citronella oil and without oil in it. The prepared formulations were evaluated for their antimicrobial effect against two acne causing organisms viz; - Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis at various concentrations. The extracts exhibited significant antimicrobial effect in combined form when compared to individual extracts in terms of zones of inhibition as well as percentage inhibition. The prepared cream and gel also exhibited significant antimicrobial effect against the selected strains. The physicochemical parameters of the prepared cream and gel also exhibited satisfactory results.
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