Azithromycin is a cyclic-structure macrolide, shows prolonged anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Azithromycin belongs to BCS class II drug i.e. drug with poor solubility and good permeability. The major problems with this drug is its very poor solubility in biological fluids that results into poor bioavailability after oral administration. The objectives of the present research work were to develop the formulation with enhanced dissolution rate of poorly soluble azithromycin. The solid dispersion of azithromycin was prepared using carrier PEG -6000 by melting method. Tablets were formulated containing solid dispersion products and compared with tablet formulated by pure drug without any carrier. The in vitro dissolution studied showed improved dissolution rate and it was compared with in vivo studied using animal model. Dissolution enhancement of the drug being caused by change in crystalline nature of drug in to amorphous nature.
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