Aim: The present study was to evaluate the acute toxicity of WJ-MSCs in mouse by intravenous and subcutaneous route and to assess their potential for side effects, MLD, MTD and LD50.
Objectives: Wide ranges of clinical and preclinical trials have suggested exploitation of adult MSCs for the cell-based reparative therapeutic approach; considering pros and cons of embryonic stem cells. However, for the clinical use existing adult stem cells source such as bone marrow, adipose tissue may be detrimental due to invasiveness in the procedure, less number of initial isolation and unsuitability for allogenic transplants. Recently fetal tissues such as Placenta, WJ have attracted as a good stem cell source due to its easy accessibility, ethical safety, immunological tolerance and large number of initial isolation of homogenous population necessary for increasing current market demand.
Methods: In present study, we tried to work on complete characterization and up-scaling profiling of cells isolated from WJ, along with assessment of possible toxic effects of these cells when administered in-vivo and optimizing the route of administration with other clinical evaluation been addressed.
Results: We confirmed that cells isolated from WJ exhibit morphologically and phenotypically similar properties as MSCs. The animal study also reveled that no mortality, no abnormal clinical signs and no remarkable pathological changes.
Conclusion: Our animal toxicity study along with attempted rapid expansion of these cells to meet large clinical demands would allow them to be a lucrative candidate for clinical therapy.
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