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Optimization of Diesel oil degrading Bacterial strains at various culture parameters


Hydrocarbon, Optimization, Bioremediation, parameters

How to Cite

T. Sivagamasundari, & kumar, N. J. . (2017). Optimization of Diesel oil degrading Bacterial strains at various culture parameters. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 6(6), 2840 - 2844.


Environmental pollution with petroleum has been recognized as one of the most serious current problems. Petroleum hydrocarbons are a combination of hydrocarbons obtained from reservoirs of crude petroleum. The petroleum hydrocarbons contain aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons. The most common petroleum hydrocarbons polluting environment are the gasoline, diesel and fuel oils. Numerous microorganisms could use petroleum as only source of carbon as energy for metabolic activities, and these microorganisms are broadly present and distributed in nature. Bioremediation is the use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants. Bioremediation is the biological process involving living microorganisms to remove contaminants or pollutants from soil or water. It involves the use of microbes to detoxify and humiliate environmental contaminants. The present study is carried out by optimization of diesel oil degrading microbes from diesel oil polluted sites. Bacillus sp and Enterobacter hormaechei were isolated according to Bergey’s manual and by 16s rRNA gene sequence. Further the optimization was carried out for various culture parameters such as various hydrocarbon concentration, pH, temperature and for best carbon and nitrogen sources. The present study suggests that Bacillus sp and Enterobacter hormaechei were able to degrade diesel oil at pH 7, 300 C and preliminary hydrocarbon concentration of 1%.


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