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Pharmacognostic and phytochemical evaluation of Prunus persica (L.)


Anthelmintic, HPTLC, Prunus Persica, Phytochemical

How to Cite

Kumar, N. ., & Chaudhary, A. . (2017). Pharmacognostic and phytochemical evaluation of Prunus persica (L.). International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 6(6), 2806 - 2812.


Objective: To evaluate the morphological, microscopical, physicochemical and phytochemical properties of leaves of P. persica. The study also represents the fingerprint profile of P. persica using high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) technique.

Materials and Methods: Microscopical photographs of different magnifications were taken with Olympus Microscope, Model Olympus (India), attached to YOKO CCD Camera. Preliminary phytochemical screening was done and HPTLC studies were carried out. CAMAG HPTLC system equipped with Linomat V applicator, TLC scanner 3, Reprostar 3 and WIN CATS-4 software were used.

Results: Microscopical studies of the leaf confirmed the presence of polygonal epidermal cells with cuticle and anomocytic stomata, bicollateral vascular bundle, Prismatic shape calcium oxalate crystal, non-lignified multi-cellular trichomes. Mesophyll with 2-3 layered palisade cells. The results from HPTLC finger print scanned at wavelength 400 nm for ethyl acetate extract of P. persica leaf revealed the presence of fifteen phytoconstituents with Rf values ranged from 0.06 to 0.99 and ethanol extract of P. persica leaf showed the presence of sixteen phytoconstituents with the corresponding ascending order of Rf values ranged from 0.02 to 0.98.

Conclusion: The studies reveals the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, Flavonoids, carbohydrates, fixed oils, steroids, tannins & phenols, amino acids & proteins, all these findings included with HPTLC profile will be useful towards establishing pharmacognostic and phytochemical standards on identification, purity, quality and classification of the plant, which is gaining relevance in plant drug research, the identification and preparation of monograph of plant.


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How to cite this article:

Kumar N and Chaudhary A. Pharmacognostic and phytochemical evaluation of Prunus persica (L.). Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci. 2017; 6(6): 2806-2812. Doi: 10.13040/IJRDPL.2278-0238.6(6). 2806-2812.

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