Background: Birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPCR) strategy based on the premise that preparing for childbirth reduces delays in obtaining timely, skilled maternal and neonatal care. Study was undertaken with objective to assess the knowledge of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), considered key frontline workers, regarding danger signs of pregnancy and birth preparedness services provided.
Material and Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, undertaken in Community Health Centre, Dubaldhan, rural field practice area of PGIMS, Rohtak. 60 ASHAs of total 120 posted in the area were recruited for study.
Results: More than three fourth ASHAs (78.3%) identified swollen hands and feet as danger sign while only 28% considered blurred vision as danger sign during antenatal period. Almost 40% knew about all 3 key danger signs of post-natal period followed by ante natal (15%) and natal period (6.7%). Knowledge score about danger signs of pregnancy was higher in ASHAs who were graduates as compared to those educated up to middle class.
Conclusion: The knowledge of danger signs and birth preparedness services provided by ASHAs is poor, emphasizing the need to raise the knowledge and awareness about components of BPCR towards reducing maternal and infant mortality.
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